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(Projections of Jules Andre Smith's Works of ART used in the play.)

Andre Smith drawing - Troop ship
Andre Smith drawing - Ships
Andre Smith - French Cafe
March 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Wagons
June 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Plane Crash
June 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Home damaged
June 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Building damaged
July 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Blimp
July 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Circular religious building damage
July 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Crater
August 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Graveyard
August 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Church damaged
August 1918
Andre Smith drawing - Troop trenches
October 1918
Andre Smith - Soldiers
October 1918
Andre Smith drawing - building damaged
Andre Smith etching - Gentleman of Spain
Andre Smith pencil drawing - Segovia Spain
Andre Smith watercolor -  Donkey court
Telegram (Letter)
Andre Smith to Mary Bok
Andre Smith to Mary Bok
Mary Bok & Andre Smith

The following works of Art by Andre Smith are from his book: THE ART OF THE SUBCONCIOUS.  (Feel free to use other art work from Andre Smith's book as projections also in this scene.)

Title: There are so many ways to build a home.
By Andre Smith
Title:  Even a long rope has two ends
by: Andre Smith
Title: Who know where love will start or end?
By:  Andre Smith
Title: And yet you can not hold them down
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  There are so many places one can go
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  The things you never want are never out of reach
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  One need not hug the earth all day
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  And yet you wanted each other once
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  This is the end of the road
By: Andre Smith 
Title:  Is this the street that runs around the world?
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  We lead such very busy lives
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  You can not stop things from happening
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  Life is as simple as they let you make it
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  Why must you always keep on wanting things?
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  Things come to you just when you want them least
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  Women know where men love best to roost
By:  Andre Smith
Title:  How little we know of Freedom
By:  Andre Smith


Andre Smith, 1921, Etching, Segovia, Spain
Disneyworld Castle